Sunday, April 29, 2012

I Do!

After a week in Sanur we decided to go to Ubud -  where the Bali part of Eat Pray Love was filmed – for a nice quiet few days.   There was another couple from the hostel going so we shared a Taxi with them.
We got dropped off in the parking lot of the Monkey Forest (which is a big attraction in Ubud); and of course there were monkeys everywhere but with our backpacks and the heat we wanted to find a place to stay before we started looking around.  Within two minutes we had a guy ask us if we were looking for a place to stay and with not having made reservations anywhere we followed him a little ways along the street and up some stairs where we ended up on this rooftop terrace!  It was like a little paradise!  It was a garden with little paths going through it, a big pool with fountain statues,  a little pool with fish in it and the rooms (that we chose)  were massive with bamboo ceilings one wall made out of bamboo and the rest out of brick,  our own bathroom, a king size bed and our own personal balcony for $20 a night!   And for no extra cost; monkeys everywhere! They were on the roof, on our balcony, it was great.  The monkeys would go through our garbage every day and eat our left over crisps, our steal our Coke bottles we left on the table and finish them off, though they never touched the vodka.  One day I even looked out the window and one came and sat on one of the chairs on our balcony and looked at me.   If we came up the stairs and they were in our garbage they would just look at us with these cute little eyes and go on with their business, they never ran away.  Because of all the monkeys at our hostel, we didn’t even go to the monkey forest, there was no need, plus they can be quite aggressive.  They steal things from people going through the forest and nip at you, they even stole somone’s bikini bottoms from one of the balconies at the hostel and put it on their head.  They were on the sidewalks, they were in the shops, electrical lines…they really were everywhere.
Ubud is quiet compared to Sanur (which is quieter then Kuta),  it’s really artsy and there is less traffic and it’s somehow greener in a way that I can’t explain.  There is not much of a nightlife but that’s what we wanted and with waking up every morning around 9 and spending the day outside in the hot sun we were usually sleeping by 10.   We did got to a Fire and Trance dance which was interesting but other than that we didn’t do much but enjoy days lazing around the pool and enjoying a few Bintang’s.  Our last night though, we did come across this hippie like bar that was done up with ferry lights, Bob Marley posters and small tables low to the ground so you sat on a pillow instead of a chair; and the band was awesome, the lead singer sounded like Jim Morrison.  It had an awesome vibe!
Back in Sanur we counted down the days until Jared and David (our mates from Darwin) were coming out to Bali to see us get married. To kill some of the waiting time, we went out with some friends we had met, for a day around Bali where we went out to Ulu Watu Temple which is on the coastline of the Bukit Pennninsula and has absolutely fantastic views and heaps of monkeys, and we also went to  Ulu Watu beach where we decided to have the wedding!  We knew it would be perfect and that the guys would love it!
Meeting up with the guys was a whole other story.  It’s really difficult meeting up with friends in a country when you don’t have cell phones and they are a little Facebook retarded.  The night they were arriving we went into Kuta to meet up with them; Dan ended up getting so drunk I pretty much had to carry him out of the club and put him in a cab (he fell asleep in the club on the couch).  The next night we were too hungover to do anything.  I was starting to get anxious,  we were counting down the days to our wedding and we still hadn’t been able to meet up with the guys,  plus I still didn’t have a dress, Dan didn’t have anything to wear for the wedding and we were friendless L   But, lucky, finally, with some Facebook communication we were able to find a meeting point!  We, of course, drank our faces off and had an absolute blast until we got to this one club where Jared and David went on the stage to dance and next thing you know the stage collapsed with them on it and we never saw them again that night!  The next day, thank god,  they were on Facebook and we made a meeting point again for that night.  Our friend Kristine (my Little Lamb)  was coming with us because she really wanted to meet the guys.  Unfortunately, we ended up with this cab driver who decided to drive us the wrong way to Kuta, claiming it was the only way to get there “don’t lie.  We go into Kuta all the time and we never come this way.”  “no no it’s the only way”  “alright then, well the price is going up beyond what we usually pay so you can turn the meter off.  Yup that’s right.  No no don’t stop.  You want to rip us off then you can drive the rest of the way with your meter off!”  We ended up walking, only due to the fact that the way he took us was backed up so much with traffic walking the rest of the way was faster.  It’s quite a common thing here, cab drivers trying to rip of foreigners, they try it with us all the time, especially after a night in Kuta when we are coming back to Sanur they always try a flat rate of 100-150 thousand rupiah ($10-$15),  which is a major rip off!  It takes us forever to find a cab that will actually put us on the meter which is usually under 60 thousand rupiah ($6), and they think you are stupid and laugh at you if you argue with them, though there is always one willing to go on the meter but you have to look for them.

Finally, we arrive (an hour late) at our meeting point!  We all grabbed a drink and then it was time for me to find a wedding dress.  Dan went with David (as that was his man of honour) for more drinks and I went with Jared (my man of honour)and Kristine.  We couldn’t find anything relatively wedding nice and all the tailors said that they couldn’t make me anything within 48 hours.  We had one more tailors to check out and then we were out of options.  The place was packed with girls.  My heart sunk.  This was our last place to look and it didn’t look promising.  “I’m sorry but these girls are ahead of you.  No time”   Now what?  “Excuse me, but are you girls from Norway” Kristine asked to a couple girls sitting beside me (she herself is from Norway)  “Yes.”  Next Jared and I know Kristine is talking in Norwegian to these girls. “Perfect she said!  Ummm excuse me” she continues to one of the tailors “these girls here said that you can postbone there order so my friend can have her wedding dress for Sunday morning, so you can have it done for then”  How amazing is she!  So I then get fitted for my dress, tell them what I want and what material.  It was quite exciting, I never thought I would get fitted for a wedding dress!  How much?   Well he originally said $25 but because it was a fast order it was $30!  Amazing right! 
The next morning we were off to Ulu Watu.  What a place this is.  It’s got some of the most famous surf breaks in the world.  To get there you walk down these massive steps and you end up in this little surf village which is actually built into the cliffs.  There are winding stairs going up and down everywhere,  each one leading you to a little cliffside, warrung or surf shop.  We rented to cabins with an adjoining patio that had a view of the village and the beach.  The views (pretty much from everywhere) are absolutely incredible, with bluey green water that just goes out forever and all the waves are inhabited by surfers (sometimes 60 at a time) that look like little black dots.  We would just sit and watch them enjoying a beer and listening to the waves. 
To get down to the beach you walk all the way down until you get to a cave-like rock covering (no railings so it is kind of sketchy).  The whole area is just surrounded by the high tide, and really unsafe to get into the water,  which, was really different then last time because last time the water was quite far out and we could go swimming.   How are we to get married on the beach?  We crossed a little dilapidated wooden walk way over to a wooden sketchy staircase –which I swear could collapse at any minute- and up to a warrung on one of the cliffs and enjoyed the view, a massage and a beer.  By the time we were finished the tide had gone out and once again the beach was engulfed by people and we could enjoy a swim.  There are quite a few little inlets where you can climb through openings in the rocks and get to different parts of the beach, each on looking different to the last one.  The tide goes out at about 4 pm (which was great news for us.) It goes out  so far that the reef is exposed and you can actually walk out, you could literally walk on the water.  It was perfect!  Not only were we going to have a beach wedding but we were going to get married on the water!  
That night, Dan went to bed early and the boys decided it was going to be my bachelorette party (they took Dan out the night before).  Unfortunately there is no night life.  The bar closed at 10p.  Luckily we met an American and then 4 Finnish girls who were up for some drinking, so we cabbed it to Padang Padang for margaritas but that place closed at midnight, so we went to another place and then that place closed at 1am.  We decided to get some takeaway drinks and go drink on our balcony till the wee hours of the morning.
Wedding day.  I’m guessing being stressed out on my wedding day is a normal thing?  All I wanted to do was relax, get a massage, have a  couple drinks get ready and get married, but that was not how the days events played out.
Kristine was picking up my dress from Kuta at 10am and then she was coming straight to Ulu Watu and we were to meet her at 11am, easy right? By 1pm we still hadn’t met up with her and to make matters work nowhere had wifi except the resort and they would not let us use it.  We walked all along the road until we finally found a resort that let us use there wifi.  They were running a bit late because the dress took a bit longer but they would be here in an hour, but Jared’s time was off on his phone so I had no idea what time that had been sent.
We went back to wait for them (another mate- Ollie- from the hostel was coming with her). Another hour, half an hour, still we didn’t see them.  “Emmie go for a massage and relax I will wait for them, there is no need for you to be stressing”  I decided on a glass of wine so Jared and I went to the bar for a drink.  I thought I saw Ollie out of the corner of my eye!  Jared ran all over the village looking for them but there was still no sign of them.   David and Dan were back from shopping and they were trying to keep us serparated from seeing eachother, Jared wasn’t even letting them go through the village to our cabin in case they ran into Kristine with the dress,  4:30 was coming fast and with not knowing how long the tide would stay out for our time was limited. 
3:30pm, still nothing.  Jared had checked the village three times.  “oh well, I’m gonna start getting ready”   I into my cabin.  Shaved, did my makeup and sat down almost in tears.  It’s my wedding day,  I’m freaking out, I’m getting ready by myself, I should be excited, it’s almost time and I don’t have a wedding dress.  If they don’t turn up I’m not gonna get married I need my dress.   I went out for a cigarette while Jared was still running around looking for them. Dan and the guys were waiting on the other side at a little warrung.  I kept trying to steal glances at him to see if I could see his outfit. “Emmie”  I hear Kristine’s voice, it sounded like an angel.  They had been waiting where we told them but we just kept passing eachother,  they had been waiting since 12!  Yay my dress!  It wasn’t fitting, it didn’t look right, it was nothing what I wanted.  “I need some sort of belt!”  Jared – my fabulous Man of Honour was out the door and was back in less then 5 minutes with a blue scarf “they over charged me for it but you are worth it”  Him and Kristine start cutting and folding it.  I put it around my waste and another piece on as a headband.  Perfect!  Now my wedding nerves had kicked in!  I was so incredibly nervous!  Too the point I wanted to cry.  My stomach was fluttering with butterflies and I couldn’t stop shaking. 
Kristine went out to tell the guys to start heading down to the reef and then was gonna wave over at us to tell us when to head down.  Five minutes later they were still sitting there.  Once again my Man of Honour was out the door over to them to tell them to get there butts moving and run all the way back.  While in the process of doing this he ripped his shirt, so it was  a quick change when he got back.
We walked down the stairs.  I felt almost like a princess.  Jared held his hand out for me as I walked down the stairs is my pretty dress.  Being a bride is a really amazing feeling,  some of the women were saying “congratulations”.  I loved it.   We get down the steep steps into the cave-like rock covering, walked through an opening in the rocks and out onto the beach.
They were all waiting out on the reef.  “Ready?!” asked Jared as he linked his arm in mine.  I was so nervous.  I honestly in the past months did not realize how nervous and excited I was to get married. 

We walked across the reef, in barefoot, not the smartest or easiest isle to walk down.  Jared kept patting my hand to relax me because I wouldn’t stop shaking. 
Dan looked so handsome!  Jared kissed me on the cheek and said “here you go Dan”.  Then we stood there looking at eachother smiling and saying nothing.  What now.  – With all the legalities and paper work we were having a very hard time having a legal wedding in Bali so the legalities are going to be done in Thailand, but we really wanted to have our ceremony in Bali so it was a little un-traditional. No reverend, no bouquet, just us two and four friends. -The guys brought out our rings.  “Emmie here is Dan’s ring”  I was so nervous I didn’t know what to say “could Dan go first please”  His vows were beautiful,  I started crying right away.  “You are my life, my everything.  I have loved you since the day we met.  I am so proud to call you my wife and I promise I will do everything in this world to keep you safe and be there for you forever.”  My turn “I don’t know what to say but I love you so much” except my voice went up an octave with every word from love and on because I couldn’t stop crying.  I continued “  I am so proud to be your wife and I am so excited to spend the rest of my life with you.”  “May I kiss my bride now”  “ no not yet.  Do you take her to be your wafully wedded wife”  yes he did say waffully “do you take him to be your wafully wedded husband.  By the power vested you may now kiss… no wait…I know pronounce you man and wife.  You may kiss your bride”   I don’t think I have ever glowed the way I did at the five minutes of our wedding ceremony.  I don’t think I have ever been happier.  
We could not have done this without David and Jared and Kristine.  They were such a backbone to our wedding and we are so lucky to have friends like them.  David for being Dan’s best ban, Jared for being my Man-of-Honour-Supre, you are definitely a girls dream Person-of Honour.  You did what you did with my stress and did what you could to make my day perfect and it was.  Kristine, my Little Lamb if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have had a wedding dress.  Thank you for sharing our special day with us.
The rest of the day we took pictures, had an awful dinner at one of the little warrungs and then went to the party at the main bar for a few drinks and then fell asleep.  Not much of a wedding night but we were so tired and just happy enough to finally be married.
I am a Mrs!!!

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